Blind Women Association

We most humbly request to participate in this pious effort to work for the education, training, rehabilitation, and most importantly, the all-round development of Blind women. We shall collectively help them gain their self-respect and their rightful place in the society. We shall see to it that they lead an active social life. Please Donate in cash or kind, for the noble cause of the upliftment of one of the most unprivileged and backward sections of the society. Your donations can light up a few lives. NOTE : ALL DONATION GIVEN TO BLIND WOMENS ASSOCIATION ENJOY 50 % REBATE IN INCOME TAX U/S. 80 G(5) OF THE I.T. ACT, 1961
Ushaben P. Vyas | President | Mob. :9427806787 |
Neelaben Chokshi | President |
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Aims & Objects
- To work for the upliftment of the Visually Impaired Women.
- To make efforts for the education, training, employment and rehabilitation of Visually Impaired Women.
- To encourage blind women to develop association with each other and to organize entertainment programmes and get-to-gathers with a view to fulfill this objective.
- To facilitate economic and social development of blind women.
- To develop self-confidence and self-respect amongst blind women. To make the general public aware of their inherent potential, so as to help them gain their rightful place in the society. To organize programmes and campaigns with this object in mind.
- To advocate the cause of blind women and lobby for their rights.
Activities of the Association
- To offer scholarships and distribute school uniforms, books and notebooks, free of cost, to the children of economically weak blind women, with a view to facilitate their education.
- The Association makes efforts to help blind women to gain self-employment by giving loans for such trades as S.T.D.-P.C.O. Booths, Petty Shops, and other small-scale businesses from the Institute’s funds. To facilitate low-interest loans from various banks for the self-employment of blind women.
- To undertake a survey of blind women from all over Gujarat and prepare their Case Histories. Based on this Case History, to provide assistance to them, as and when needed.
- Organizing workshops in different regions of Gujarat for the development of blind women. Also to send talented blind women to participate in National Level workshops.
- The Association operates a Marriage Bureau for blind and disabled persons. The aim of this Marriage Bureau is to optimal Match-Making and to make possible efforts to make their marital lives happy.
- The Association also operates an Entertainment Club. The Club holds various competitions like Garba, Light Music, Dressing up in a Saree, Hairstyling, Games Sports, etc., with a view to tapping the potential of blind women
Creating Awarness
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On the Anvil
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.