Ranchhod Soni
Mentor and Coordinator,
Technology Center for the Blind,
Blind People's Association
A Brief Introduction of Technology Centre for the Blind
- Disability enchains one with a lot of limitations and restrictions, technology empowers one to break these chains.
- Technology Centre for the Blind Department of Blind People’s Association Ahmedabad is committed to educate persons with blindness and low vision with assistive technology and to open up several new horizons for them.
You may have these questions in mind:
- Can a blind person use technology?
- Can they operate computers and smartphones as well? How can they do so?
- Can we see them operating mobile phones and computers?
- What is Assistive Technology?
- Does your institute impart training in assistive Technology to visually challenged persons?
- Where is this department situated?
- Who is the contact person for this department?
- What courses and training do you conduct? What is the admission process?
- Who is eligible to receive training in this department?
- What other services does your institute provide in technology?
To find answers to these and many other questions, please read the below information carefully.
As the name suggests, TCB is responsible to impart training in assistive technology to persons with blindness and low vision. This department is run by the Blind People’s Association in the main campus situated in vastrapur. You might be wondering how a blind person can operate computer and smart phone without seeing the screen? Well, it is true that a blind person cannot see anything through their eyes. But, if the visual information is converted into an audio or tactile format, they can receive this information and respond to it also. It means, if, the information on the computer screen is read out to them through a screen reader, they can work on the computer and mobile phones. Any tool, device, software or application that converts the visual information into an accessible format for visually challenged persons falls under Assistive Technology.
Another common misunderstanding is that a blind person cannot see anything. It is not true. There may be persons who are medically blind, but, they can see a little. Some of them can even read keeping the paper very close to their eyes. Devices and applications that assist these persons to use their residual vision in a better way are called low vision devices and applications. It is also a part of Assistive Technology. This center provides training to persons with blindness and low vision in Assistive Technology.
- Objectives:
- To provide functional knowledge in computer to persons with blindness and low vision pursuing school and university education.
- To advocate the need for imparting computer education to persons with blindness and low vision even in main stream institutes running academic and professional courses.
- To increase the employability of persons with blindness and low vision by empowering them in assistive technology.
- To conduct training in CCC and CCC plus exams for persons with disabilities.
- To conduct short-term in-service training for blind and low vision primary school teachers in collaboration with GCERT.
- To conduct workshops and seminars to disseminate information about the latest development in the field of assistive technology particularly for blind and low vision persons.
- To promote awareness among the non-disable persons about the impact of assistive technology in the life of persons with blindness and low vision.
- To prepare and circulate digital audio and E-material for print disable persons at no cost.
- To provide computer literacy even in rural areas of the state of Gujarat.
- To provide need based training to late blind persons for their total rehabilitation.
- To provide technology related support services to visually challenged persons.
- To support other organizations in availing similar facilities in their campus.